No presale, consider staking Tsubasa NFT “vested presale”
Any Fund Raise?
A Small private sale for influencers only, vested in 30 days, with start down, to secure continuous marketing force.
Where does initial liquidity come from?
80% Team fund and 20% private sale for influencers.
So it is essentially a fair launch?
Liquidity lock?
Initially 12 months, right after launch, extend at certain milestones of TabinekoKIKI ecosystem.
Audit by third-party?
Yes, report posting after launch to avoid sniping.
Anti-bit & Max Buy?
Yes, max transaction, max holding, blacklisting in place.
When is it safe to swap on Uniswap?
After we announce the official contract and link in the announcement channels. Multiple contracts named TABI will be deployed to avoid sniping, and bear in mind that scammers may create fake contracts. Only swap after the official contract is announced.
Is the TabinekoKIKI team doxxed?
Yes, Refer to the “team” page on the website.
What kind of marketing to expect?
Crypto Influencer Promotions (Twitter, YouTube, Tiktok, etc.)
Project/Artist/Cosplayer Collaborations
Online/Offline Advertising, dextools trending, CEX listings Art Exhibits, mainstream media coverages, etc.
Last updated